This post was badly out of date, to the point that it was actively spreading misinformation.
The best guides are now the official documentation:
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mawagner/ on line 299
This post was badly out of date, to the point that it was actively spreading misinformation.
The best guides are now the official documentation:
i follow your guide and hav problem with wait call-back Provisioning can i solve it??
I can’t use nova boot to kick can i solve wait call back state with curl -i -X PUT -H command
As soon as I run the curl command for boot provision, the provisioning state goes to “deploy failed” . How can I debug this issue?
Hey guys,
I’ve taken down this post, as it was no longer up to date, and I am no longer working on OpenStack. I’m told that the official documentation is now the most up-to-date; I’ve put links in the post.