Proportional Image Scaling in CSS

While you should always use the appropriately-sized images on websites (rather than serving 10-megapixel images on your pages — people actually do that!), when dealing with dynamic content, sometimes it’s nice to ensure that images don’t expand beyond their container.

That’s easily solved with setting a max-width value in the CSS on my other blog, but the problem was that this seemed to only adjust the width. I wanted to scale images proportionally, so if an image that was too big made it through, it wouldn’t look awful.

It turned out to have a really easy fix — but it was astonishingly hard to find information on. Here’s the fix:

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

The “height: auto” is the key, making height proporational when it is resized. (The “100%” in max-width gets interpreted as 100% of the element it’s contained in, not 100% of the image itself.)

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