Fixing “Invalid key 0 given to dptr_close”

Last night, I threw together a quick Samba server on a RHEL 6.4 machine at home. (I’m running RHEL, but you’d almost certainly have an identical experience on CentOS.) I set up user homedirs accessed over Samba, and was able to authenticate properly from my Mac laptop.

However, I ran into an issue where I could connect okay, but the mounted share showed as empty. I couldn’t copy files in, and any files already there didn’t show up. A bit of Googling suggests this isn’t an uncommon problem. The share looked blank/empty.

Checking /var/log/messages, I saw a bunch of these entries:

May  9 22:04:02 c6100-n4 smbd[8537]: [2013/05/09 22:04:02.949679,  0] smbd/dir.c:315(dptr_close)
May  9 22:04:02 c6100-n4 smbd[8537]:   Invalid key 0 given to dptr_close

Googling this, I found an article suggesting that it’s caused by SELinux, and another from a SuSE user having the same issue with AppArmor. I really didn’t like the suggestions to disable these services, though; it feels akin to disabling a firewall because it’s too complicated to configure.

And, if you know where to look (man samba_selinux), it’s actually easier to fix this the right way than to persistently disable SELinux:

If you want to allow samba to share users home directories, you must turn on the
samba_enable_home_dirs boolean.

setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1

It’s annoying that the error in /var/log/messages doesn’t convey anything useful, but I can understand why this behavior would be prohibited by default. Why should a daemon be allowed to read users’ home directories out of the box?

Running the setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1 command (note that -P makes it persist, and that doing so updates on-disk policies, which takes a moment), everything works great. My clients can see the shares just fine, the cryptic errors aren’t being logged, and SELinux remains in enforcing mode.

8 thoughts on “Fixing “Invalid key 0 given to dptr_close”

  1. You sir are a god among men. I’ve been banging my head against this same problem off and on for a week now and just didn’t know what to google. After learning about samba logging I found the error and here is my saving solution. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!

  2. Hi, Great post and makes sense. One question I have is: can you apply the the same logic (allow ‘home’ directory SELinux permissions) to any directory on the file system?
    I have a drive active as a file server and the files under /home/DATA need to be shared. We’ve had our teething issues with MACs in the office but things have appeared to settle a bit now EXCEPT I still see there errors in the log file for 1 mac box.
    Can you add a specific directory to an SELinux+Samba security policy?

  3. Davened, I’m not sure I can answer your specific question. I think the answer is “Yes,” but I’m not sure I know enough about SELinux/Samba, nor your exact situation, to be able to help completely.

    Most SELinux policies are specific to certain directories, so what you’re doing should be possible. You can use ls -Z to list the security contexts, and Dan Walsh is pretty good about blogging information about his work on SELinux for RHEL/Fedora. This post in particular might be helpful.

    The SELinux for Mere Mortals talk given at Red Hat Summit every year (link is to a Youtube video of the talk) is pretty helpful for making sense of much of this, if you haven’t seen it before. It’s a bit lengthy, but it helped me significantly in figuring out how this works.

  4. Also works for FREENAS/FREEBSD (CIFS share dialog – enable home directories and enable home directory browsing are both options)

  5. does not help me

    Feb 13 12:11:48 hostname smbd[17360]: [2014/02/13 12:11:48.157114, 0] smbd/dir.c:317(dptr_close)
    Feb 13 12:11:48 hostname smbd[17360]: Invalid key 0 given to dptr_close

    setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1

    setsebool: SELinux is disabled.

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