A really basic python-ironicclient usage example

Because this is one of those things that took me longer than it should have taken to figure out, here’s an ultra-basic look at how to get python-ironicclient working, if you want to poke at the Ironic API. Note that I make no claim that this is even the right way, but it ought to get you going:

# the ...as something is because 'client' is way too generic
import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient
import ironicclient.client as iclient

ks = ksclient.Client(auth_url='http://localhost:35357/v2.0',
    username='admin', password='password', tenant_name='admin')
# Check out ks.auth_token which should have a long value if it worked

ic = iclient.Client('1', 'http://localhost:6385')
ic.auth_token = ks.auth_token

ic.node.list() # etc.

I started that inside of ipython, which gives me tab-autocomplete. That’s very handy for figuring out what options are available.

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