The Mac can self-report some battery information, and Coconut Battery is pretty slick, too. But for someone handy with the command line, it turns out there’s a wealth of information about your battery and charger status.
Matthew.Wagner ~ $ system_profiler SPPowerDataType Power: Battery Information: Model Information: Serial Number: D864196T1QQFT5YAS Manufacturer: SMP Device Name: bq20z451 Pack Lot Code: 0 PCB Lot Code: 0 Firmware Version: 702 Hardware Revision: 000a Cell Revision: 379 Charge Information: Charge Remaining (mAh): 6106 Fully Charged: No Charging: Yes Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 6271 Health Information: Cycle Count: 112 Condition: Normal Battery Installed: Yes Amperage (mA): 1074 Voltage (mV): 12860 System Power Settings: AC Power: System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0 Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10 Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 62 Wake on AC Change: No Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes Wake on LAN: Yes AutoPowerOff Delay: 14400 AutoPowerOff Enabled: 1 Current Power Source: Yes DarkWakeBackgroundTasks: 1 Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep: 0 Standby Delay: 10800 Standby Enabled: 1 Battery Power: System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 1 Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10 Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 2 Wake on AC Change: No Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes AutoPowerOff Delay: 14400 AutoPowerOff Enabled: 1 DarkWakeBackgroundTasks: 0 Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes Reduce Brightness: Yes Standby Delay: 10800 Standby Enabled: 1 Hardware Configuration: UPS Installed: No AC Charger Information: Connected: Yes ID: 0x0aa1 Wattage (W): 85 Family: 0x0085 Serial Number: 0x00159fe3 Charging: Yes